About Us
International Stem cell Services is a knowledge-based company, offering state-of-the-art stem cell banking facilities including stem cell therapies, stem cell banking, stem cell expansion, stem cell differentiation and many more. Founded in 2003, we are one of the oldest private cord blood banks in India. We are the first company in India to provide parents with the option of banking stem cells from cord blood as well as the umbilical cord itself. We are the only company in India to offer the highly specialized services of expansion of stem cell and stem cell differentiation and clinical application of stem cells.
One of the major aims of International Stem cell Services is to provide affordable adult stem cell treatment options for patients world-wide. We focus on producing superior quality of work backed with a strong scientific foundation. Our board of directors comprises people with more than three decades of experience in stem cell research. Our scientific advisory board consists of world-renowned researchers and clinicians who are experts in their field of medicine.
One of the major aims of International Stem cell Services is to provide affordable adult stem cell treatment options for patients world-wide. We focus on producing superior quality of work backed with a strong scientific foundation. Our board of directors comprises people with more than three decades of experience in stem cell research. Our scientific advisory board consists of world-renowned researchers and clinicians who are experts in their field of medicine.
To provide safe, reliable, and affordable stem cell banking and therapy options to people world-wide.
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