Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tretament for Lever Failure
Now ISSL brings you . much-needed alternative in adult stem cell therapy.
Chronic liver damage causes scar tissue to slowly replace healthy liver tissue and leads to a progressive decline in blood supply through the liver. Over time, liver function degenerates and the natural regenerative capacity of the liver is not sufficient to off-set the chronic damage.
Chronic liver failure can be caused by a number of factorsr the main ones being alcohol hepatitis A and B, and fatty liver disease.
Who needs therapy?
Patients who need a liver transplant should seriously consider this safe and effective alternative. 'There is no wait for treatment and the cost is much more affordable than that for transplantation.
What can ISSL offer?
ISSL offers a unique form of therapy using autologous (patient's own) adult stem cells.The safety and efficacy of the treatment has been proved- Clinical results have
been published in ihe leading scientific journal. Transplantation Proceeding (May 2006}.All treated patients showed improvement in major liver function tests (see chart).There were no incidents of adverse effects
Other studies
Numerous other studies around the world have also proven the safety and effectiveness
of this therapy. Contact us to know more about these studies.
How can you receive treatment?
•Contact ISSL to schedule an appointment with our board-certified doctors. If you
would like to involve your physician in the process, we would be happy to work
with them.
•After initial evaluation and case review, our doctors qualify the patient for
•Patient is admitted into one of our state-of-the-art therapy centers. A qualified
and experienced physician will be assigned to design an individualized therapy
•Stem cells are harvested, enriched in our cGMP facilities and re-implanted into
the patient,
•The- treatment duration is usually 1-2 days. Doctors qualify the patient for
discharge after post-treatment evaluation.
•Patient is required to attend all follow-up procedures at our center or with their
own physician.
Please note that according to KZMR guidelines, all stem cell therapy is considered to be experimental.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Stem cell hospital to treat osteoarthritis, foot ulcers, heart disease coming up in Bangalore
International Stemcell Services Limited (ISSL) is in the process of setting up a dedicated 10–bed stem cell hospital in the high-tech city of Bangalore, reports said.
International Stemcell Services Limited will provide stem cell as the first line of therapy for osteoarthritis, critical leg ischemia, foot ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, non healing wounds, spinal chord injury, ischemic heart disease and cancer among others.
ISSL already has generated enough data on the definitive use of stem cells for certain disease. These data is backed by solid scientific proof reflected through its clinical trials to further substantiate the success rate of the recovery, according to Dr. Jyothsna Rao, research director, ISSL.
The company is now in the process of finalizing land in North Bangalore close to the city’s international airport.
It may take anywhere between 8 to 16 months to commission the 10-bed facility. The capacity in terms of number of beds will be increased over the years.
ISSL’s stem cells therapy has gained considerable confidence among specialists in the Western world. The stem cell service provider hopes to offer treatments in India at an affordable cost.
So far, ISSL has been working with hospitals in Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai and has managed to rope in doctors to help identify cases for stem cells therapy. These include for conditions like foot ulcer
resulting out of diabetes, chronic kidney failure, osteoporosis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), and vascular diseases.
ISSL has allocated a portion of the Rs. 50 crore to open up centres of excellence in stem cells in addition to assisting in creation of Departments of Regenerative Medicine in existing hospitals.
International Stem cell Services is claimed to be the first company in India providing with the option of stem cells banking both umbilical cord blood banking as well as cord blood Stem Cell Banking For
Regenerative Medicine.
ISSL has the capability to harvest and bank stem cells from a number of other sources including the bone marrow and fat.
ISSL’s therapy center is located in St. Theresa’s Hospital at Bangalore, India. In addition to state-of-the-art operating room and in-patient facilities, the center also houses the state-of-the-art Philips Endura C-arm with 1K2 imaging and BodySmart software, which allows the doctors to deliver stem cells directly and specifically to the site where they are needed.
The C-arm also has a wide-ranging capabilities and allows multiple types of procedures including Therapy Centerangiograms and embolisation.
Government of India has already drawn up a plan to effectively review and monitor the way stem cell research being conducted in the country, according to reports.
An effective surveillance on the highly complex stem cell research is yet to be in practice in India even though the country has already worked out the fundamental guidelines for stem cell research more than two years ago.
Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) – the apex body regulating medical research in India –and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the ministry of science and technology, government of India announced the guidelines for stem cell research and therapy way back in 2007.
These guidelines were set aside due to the absence of laws specific to the issue. Government bodies need to spell out clear cut procedures for storing stem cells.
India is yet to formulate norms for stem cell banking and storage procedures.Stem cell banking in India is yet to come under a regulatory framework.
Though the ministry has initialized the process, certain technical hitches the occurred midway made it lag for long, sources said.
Now that the health ministry has come forth with a renewed vigour, a National Apex Committee for Stem Cell Research to prescribe stringent procedures for souring and use of stem cells by research institutions in the country could soon be reality.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Guest Write-up By Dr Jyothsna Rao in PHARMABIZ !
Issue dated April 29, 2010* NEW
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Treatment for chronic lever failure
Chronic liver damage causes scar tissue to slowly replace healthy liver tissue and leads to a progressive decline in blood supply through the liver. Over time, liver function degenerates and the natural regenerative capacity of the liver is not sufficient to off‐set the chronic damage.
Chronic liver failure can be caused by a number of factors, the main ones being alcohol, hepatitis A and B, and fatty liver disease.
Who needs therapy?
Patients who need a liver transplant should seriously consider this safe and effective alternative. There is no wait for treatment and the cost is much more affordable than that for transplantation.
What can ISSL offer?
ISSL offers a unique form of therapy using autologous (patient’s own) adult stem cells.
The safety and efficacy of the treatment has been proved. Clinical results have been published in the leading scientific journal, Transplantation Proceedings (May 2008).
All treated patients showed improvement in major liver function tests (see chart).
There were no incidents of adverse effects
Other studies
Numerous other studies around the world have also proven the safety and effectiveness of this therapy. Contact us to know more about these studies.
How can you receive treatment?
• Contact ISSL to schedule an appointment with our board‐certified doctors. If you would like to involve your physician in the process, we would be happy to work with them.
• After initial evaluation and case review, our doctors qualify the patient for
• Patient is admitted into one of our state‐of‐the‐art therapy centers. A qualified and experienced physician will be assigned to design an individualized therapy regimen.
• Stem cells are harvested, enriched in our cGMP facilities and re‐implanted into the patient.
• The treatment duration is usually 1 – 2 days. Doctors qualify the patient for discharge after post‐treatment evaluation.
• Patient is required to attend all follow‐up procedures at our center or with their own physician.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Latest trends in stem cells therapy
The advantages of adult stem cells in terms of the easily available sources and none of the ethical challenges clearly outweigh their use compared to embryonic stem cells. Several clinical trials have been carried out for treating various disease including myocardial infarct, critical limb ischemia and spinal cord injury. In India, International Stemcell Services Ltd. has launched their stem cell therapy operations in the country and is the first company to have started ICMR-approved trials for spinal cord injury using autologous stem cells. ISSL has been in the forefront from the beginning and is incidentally the oldest stem cell company in India offering stem cell banking and therapy options to patients in a variety of disease contexts.
Results of the trials have been published in peer- reviewed medical journals and are accepted by noted physicians as treatment alternatives for patients who have no other options available for them. ISSL has completed the country's first and the world's largest trial on Beurger's disease (Critical Limb Ischemia) and have effectively established safety and efficacy in the patient population. ISSL has also completed clinical trials for liver cirrhosis, spinal cord injury and myocardial infarction to name a few.
As such, stem cell therapy must be a service-based industry, where knowledge-based companies offer therapy options in niche areas, so that such therapies are affordable as well as beneficial in the long run. The use of stem cells for therapy must be based on sound scientific background to prevent their misuse and avoid misleading claims. However, the lure of growing stem cell therapy-based business opportunities in India has attracted multinational companies to exert their influence on the nature of therapy practice.
One trend is to develop a stem cell product - specifically using mesenchymal stem cells, thus emulating the pharma industry. However, the claims that these cells can treat a wide variety of disease remain to be validated. Proper follow ups need to be in place and the patients should be properly educated. In many cases, people are misled by so- called "counsellors", who lead them to dubious centers, who claim to treat them for enormous exchange of money. Companies resort to treatment options under the guise of stem cells. Patients remain clueless about the nature of these cells and are left high and dry after the therapy is completed.
Currently, there are very few Indian companies that are active in stem cell therapy research. This may be due to our west-centric attitude regarding developing technologies, which leads to a paucity of inbred talent. In India, the need is to develop technologies that can provide stem cell treatment options to the Indian population at a cost that is affordable. Unfortunately, many of the therapies are offered at exorbitant prices. Moreover, many of the claims for therapy are anecdotal and lack published data. People forums must be in place to educate people so that proper education will result in directing them to the right destination and true benefits of the therapy can be documented.
Government regulations are in place but unfortunately not enforced, which gives rise to spurious claims by dubious persons, claiming their share in the stem cell therapy wagon and misleading patients towards therapy procedures which may not be appropriate. Stringent rules are needed and practitioners of stem cell therapies must adhere to them so that follow-ups can be documented and validated.
Lastly, although many corporate houses are seeing this as business proposition and are entering into the stem cell therapy domain, there is still a strong need to regulate these therapies so that there is a common standard maintained and maximum benefit can be given to deserving patients. Indian corporate houses must practice in cultivating a strong research background, so that companies can cut down the costs, as they can fall back on in-house R&D. Proper documentation and trials must be in place so that responsibility will solely rest on them to ensure proper therapy procedures to deserving patients.
This article came in Pharmabiz written by Dr Jyothsna Rao§ionid=50
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
STEM 2010 started off with a huge bang and was supported by all the delegates including our student body, who had come to attend our conference. The society was incepted in 2004 and the community is growing with members from all walks of life. Students, stem cell biologists, doctors, tissue engineers and the likes find a common platform to converge and merge, and forge ahead with newer reinforced mission to bring forth stem cell therapy in
new forms, always.

Dr. S.G.Ananda.Rao,Chairman, Director
ISSL, at STEM 2010.
Inaugural speech by Dr.Dilip
Inauguration of STEM 2010
The meeting kicked off with the VC of Goa University taking us back in time, when stem cell application was still a fairy tale, and definite steps towards applying 7the thought was still in shrouds.
Dr. Gururaj.A.Rao, Director ISSL, at the meeting.
Our Chairman Director Dr.
S.G.Ananda.Rao felicitating Dr.
Life sciences students attending
STEM 2010.
ISSL Banner at the venue, International
Centre, GOA.
Our Delegates at STEM 2010.
Our Team at STEM 2010.
Stem cell therapy requires an amalgamation of basic sciences with clinical practioners for which, ISSL strives in joining hands with leading experts in bringing together therapy options in areas of several untreatable diseases. ISSL is the first company in India, who is giving you banking to therapy option.
AS you have committed yourself into this family by banking with us, you are now a part of this tumultuous journey with us, where our sole aim is to offer you therapy options with stem cells in treating certain diseases which could be otherwise not possible. This will make it worthwhile that you have banked your precious child’s stem cells with u We as a company realize our responsibility towards our bankers to keep you abreast with the latest on stem cell application. We also are proud to share with you the clinical research we have done in our company to make stem cell application a reality.
We hope that, by building bridges in certain disease types, we are keeping abreast with the latest in stem cell therapy, and you can avail the therapy options from us. Please contact us if you know anyone who is looking for a therapy option is stem cells in diseases like:
Late stage peripheral occlusion (Ischemic limb).
Non healing wounds.
Diabeteic Foot ulcer.
Diabetic neuropathy.
Non healing fractures.
Chronic Liver failure.
Spinal Cord Injuries.
Multiple Sclerosis. (Clinical Trial ongoing)
Ischemic Heart Disease.
Chronic Kidney Disease (including Diabetic nephropathy) Osteo arthritis.
Cancer therapy. Muscular Dystrophy.
Do not worry as ISSL is proud to offer you banking options for you as well. You can bank your stem cells from your LIPOASPIRATES. We are proud to say that we are the leaders in stem cell therapy options, not only with cord blood but also with bone marrow, lipo derived cells and cord derived mesenchymal cells. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER DETAILS.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Streamline stem cell treatment: Expert
Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the sixth annual conference on biotechnology organized by Society for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering on Sunday, Rao said that stem cell treatment in India needs to come under a regulatory framework.
"It is only the guidelines have been formulated. But till they are incorporated into an Act, there will be no checks on stem cell treatment in the country. If someone has a complaint, the government has no power to act on it", said Rao.
Incidentally, stem cell treatments are a type of therapy that introduce new cells into damaged tissue to treat a disease or injury. Stem cell banks store blood and frozen tissue samples for research and surgery.
Recently, an Indian doctor had come under fire for making claims of treating incurable or terminal illnesses using embryonic stem cells without any safety trials and randomized clinical studies. It was claimed that she had been charging as much as 30,000 pounds for a course of treatment.
In another instance, an ophthalmologist from South India collected 5 ml blood from the patient's arm, and claimed to separate the stem cells and inject the same back into the patient.
"Such quacks, who charge exorbitant prices for unproven and dangerous treatment, survive as there are no regulations. There are no stem cells in the blood," said Dr Rao.
Over the last few years, India has witnessed a tremendous growth in the stem cell business. Apart from many foreign companies, the industry has witnessed the mushrooming of small domestic players.
Why ISSL ?
Why should you choose us?
Our Experience
Giving you more banking options
Pioneering stem cell therapies
Financial stability
Control of processing and storage
Personalized service
Special benefits of banking with International Stem cell Services
Once you are a part of our family, please best rest assured that we take care of all your requirements in the area of stem cells ie from banking to therapy. In this regard, you could refer our company to your friends and relatives for banking and therapy services. In doing so, we will return the gesture by including you in our referral program which will include a referral fee or a break for therapy procedure involving our company.
Stem Cell Expansion Services
As we are a knowledge based company, research and training are vital components. The logical research interest for us is in stem cell expansion .and providing the same to our clients. We have patents ( ongoing) on several protocols in hematopoietic as well as mesenchymal stem cells.
Sibling Donor Program
Families with one beta Thalassaemic child can bank cord blood stem cells from their subsequent child for transplant purposes. This service has found itself very relevant ot parents who have the older child suffering from hematopoietic disorders, which could be easily treated if they would store the next /subsequent child’s cord blood stem cells. We are very actively promoting this concept and we also offer special rates for such parents. As our motto is banking to therapy, we will make sure that we go hand in hand with our clients till the last lapSTEM 2010 - 6TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON BIOTECHNOLOGY
STEM 2010 CONFERENCE will bring people who are working in the field of Stem cell Research leading towards Stem Cell therapy. It will give ample scope to interact with leading personalities in this field. This field of research in stem cell biology would lead to possible treatment of presently incurable diseases like Spinal cord injury, Parkinson, diabetic, cancer, generic diseases etc.
Stem Cell research is a very frontline subject at this moment all over the world, and scientist working in this area will get an opportunity to come together at this conference and share their findings and brainstorm on this subject which will lead to future path in India.
Conference was held in Goa from Jan 31 st Feb 1st and more than 10 reputed companies have attended the conference. To name the few,
- International Stemcell Services Ltd
- S R Biotechnologies Pvt Ltd
- Avesthagen
- Indus Instruments Impex Pvt Ltd
- Stem Life, Malaysia
- Bio Informatics Institute, Singapore
- Stemcyte Therapeutics India Pvt Ltd
- Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital
- ReeLab
- Cytori Therapeutics
- Axis Bank
- BD BioSciences
- Millipore India
- Emprocells
- Cell Bios
Clinical Trial at ISSL
Clinical Trials
Disease | Clinical partner and location | No. of patients | Results |
Buerger’s Disease | Dr. K. R. Suresh/ Bhagawan Mahavir Jain Hospital, Bangalore | 45 | Safety and Efficacy established. Published in Journal of Vascular Surgery, December 2008 – Pubmed link |
Chronic Liver Failure | Dr. C. M. Habibullah/ CLRD, Hyderabad | 5 | Safety and efficacy established. Published in Tranplantation Proceedings – Pubmed link |
Spinal Cord Injury | Dr. Arvind Bhateja/ Sita Bhateja Specialty Hospital, Bangalore | 5 | Safety established. |
Osteoarthritis | Dr. Rudraprasad/ Isha - International Stem cell Services Therapy Center, Bangalore | 5 | Safety established. |
Muscular Dystrophy | Dr . Jayarajan/Ayurvedagram | 5 | Safety established. |
Myocardial infarction | Trinity Hospital | 4 | Safety established |
Facilities at ISSL
Our Stem Cell Processing Centers
Our Therapy Centers
All nervous system-related procedures are performed at Sita Bhateja Multispecialty Hospital in Bangalore, which is ranked among the best neuro-specialty hospitals in India.
Stem Cell Therapy
At International Stem cell Services, we are firmly committed to providing safe, effective and affordable stem cell therapy. From the beginning, we at International Stem cell Services have worked with highly qualified doctors who are experts in their fields of medicine to develop stem cell based therapy protocols for providing best stem cell treatment. Today, we are the only stem cell company in India with published scientific clinical data to prove the effectiveness and safety of our stem cell therapy.
Adult stem cell therapy to the rescue
Our adult stem cell treatment includes therapeutics efforts that are mainly centered on the use of adult stem cells that can be obtained from adult tissues such as bone marrow, umbilical cord, and cord blood. The use of adult stem cells for these adult stem cell therapy is known to be safe and does not have any ethical issues associated with it. Our adult stem cell treatments are done by highly qualified team of doctors.
Safe and effective stem cell treatment options
We work with highly qualified doctors who are experts in their fields and have developed stem cell-based therapies in a number of different disease areas. We collaborate with a number of top-level hospitals in India to provide state-of-the-art facilities for stem cell treatment. To date, we have successfully treated more than 100 patients using our stem cell-based approach. We provide stem cell therapy to you only after conducting extensive, scientifically sound clinical trials, the results of which are published in well known international journals. Therefore you can be assured of receiving the best treatment possible.
Stem cell Therapy is available for the following diseases:
- Late-stage peripheral vascular occlusion
- Diabetic foot ulcers
- Chronic liver failure
- Spinal cord injury
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscular dystrophy
- Myocardial infarction
- Cancer Therapy (Cancer Vaccines)
Stem Cell Banking
International Stem cell Services has been providing stem cell banking services for over 5 years in India and has over 25 years of experience in stem cell research. We are the only company who works as leading stem cell bank and provides efficient stem cell services in india. Our stem cell banking services includes harvesting and banking stem cells from all known sources including umbilical cord, cord blood, bone marrow and peripheral blood.Stem cells obtained from the above-mentioned sources are called “adult stem cells”. These cells have enormous therapeutic potential and have been proven to be extremely beneficial in the treatment of several incurable diseases. Moreover, the use of adult stem cells is not hindered by ethical and scientific problems that presently confound the use of embryonic stem cells.
As ADULT STEM CELLS are able to transdifferentiate into other cell types we can exploit this feature for clinical therapy using stem cells.
Diseased conditions which can be treated by adult stem cells:
- Myocardial infarction
- Buerger’s Disease
- Osteo arthritis
- Diabetes
- Cancer therapy
- Liver Diseases
- Muscular dystrophy
- Acute Renal Failure
About ISSL

About Us
One of the major aims of International Stem cell Services is to provide affordable adult stem cell treatment options for patients world-wide. We focus on producing superior quality of work backed with a strong scientific foundation. Our board of directors comprises people with more than three decades of experience in stem cell research. Our scientific advisory board consists of world-renowned researchers and clinicians who are experts in their field of medicine.